Fencing Calculator

Enter your requirements into the fencing calculator below to work out a list of materials and an accurate price for your fence. If you need to make any changes, you can do so when you add it to the basket. If you need any help with the calculator or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our sales team. Contact details available here.

The calculator is for a straight run of the fence only.

It does not include any corner posts, any changes of height through the fence run and any changes of direction.


Enter total length of fence

Total length of your fence metres

Select type of fence posts

Select type of post Please select a post type

3Arris Rail (Shaped End) 3M

2Green Morticed Post 100MM X 100MM 2.4M 2.4 meters

2Green V Notched Post 100MM X 125MM 2.4M 2.4 meters

1Capping Rail (Shaped Top) 3M

2Concrete Morticed Post 1.82 meters

3Arris Rail 300

6Arris Rail Repair Bracket 12"

1Rail 25mm x 50mm x 3M

Select type of gravel board

Select type of gravel board Please select gravel boards

1Gravel Board 22mm x 150mm 3 meters

22 Prong Gravel Board Cleat Inc Bolt

1Concrete Gravel Board 9'5" x 6" Smooth Faced 3 meters

1Centre Stump EX 75MM X 75MM 0.6M

Your order is based on the following:

• All bays are 3 metres in length, and we have provided complete bays only.

• Corner posts are not required.

Bespoke options

If your fencing requirements are different to those provided in this calculator please contact us – we can usually help.

Beaconsfield: 01494 67 19 21

Crawley: 01342 71 71 55

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